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On 18th February I joined 33 other cutters for the 34th SoEHLS Annual Competition. The organisers had found a superb hedge for us on the Angmering Park Estate and the day dawned cool and overcast but dry, so superb conditions for hedge-laying. Having come second in class last year I was determined to go one better this year and win the class. However, as usual I was up against some tough opposition so I knew that I would have to be on my game to come first.

At 08:15 we met for the draw of cants. I drew number 7 – could this be a good omen? I thought..

The hedge was a good mixture of hawthorn, hazel, spindle and field maple and had grown fairly evenly and well spaced. Every cant was more or less even, so we were all in with a good chance of doing well. At 08:30 we were off!

As with last year, we were using hand tools only so no chainsaws were allowed. We all had some fairly meaty stems to deal with, so there was a lot of elbow grease and axe-work required. The allotted 5 hours flew by as usual, and almost before we knew it we were standing back while the judges went about their work.

I was a bit uneasy about my finished cant. I was happy with some aspects of it, but I knew that I had made a couple of mistakes as well. In the end, I placed a disappointing 5th, equaling my placing in the Nationals last year, but obviously down on my previous 2nd place. However, it was a good learning experience in what was only my third ever competition. I know exactly where I lost points – 2 badly cut pleachers right at the start, plus another one that tore off further down the cant cost me dear. On the other hand I was very happy with my staking and binding, so I know that I am not far off the pace. Importantly I know that I can do, and should have done, better on the day. I will be back stronger next time.

Best of all, it was a fantastic day with lots of great company, good craic, superb hedge-laying, wonderful scenery, and a lovely meal to finish off. What could be better?