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See my latest work

Below are some of the latest pieces of work I have completed. If you wish to get in touch with us please fill out our contact form, I will then respond as soon as possible.

Competition Hedge Re-visited

My wife was back on the Isle of Wight recently and, with time to kill before the return ferry, she […]

A Gem of a Hedge

My last hedgelaying job of the season was on a lovely hedge over at Milland which is northwest of Midhurst. […]

Success Continues!

On the 25th February I made the journey across the Solent to the Isle of Wight Hedgelaying Competition. I had […]

That Winning Feeling!

The 29th October saw around 100 hedgelayers from across the Country descend upon Wallingford, Oxfordshire for the 43rd National Hedgelaying […]

An End of Season Challenge

Towards the end of March, I was persuaded to undertake a hedgelaying job at the foot of the South Downs […]

Lucky Number 13

On 20th February I joined around 30 other cutters at the South of England Hedgelaying Society Annual Competition, this year […]

Back on the Norfolk Estate…

At the end of January I was invited back to the Norfolk Estate to undertake some more hedgelaying. I had […]

Hedgerow Restoration

First job of the New Year was over near East Tisted in Hampshire and involved laying a 30 metre stretch […]

Boundary Enhancements

From the beginning of December 2021 I have been working two days a week for myself once again. I still […]

The Nationals 2021

With the cancellation of the National Hedgelaying Society Annual Competition 2020 due to Covid, there was a huge sense of […]

A Change of Circumstances

Over the last two and a half years I have worked on and off with the Leconfield Estate forestry team, […]

The Nationals 2019

On the last weekend of October it was time once again for the National Hedge-laying Championships, this time at Pewsey […]

A Different Style of Hedge-laying

At the end of each season, the South of England Hedge-laying Society puts on a training day where experienced members […]

A Fine Restoration Job

In March 2019 I was invited to undertake some hedge-laying for the Norfolk Estate. I had been approached by the […]

A hefty hedgerow

At the end of February I undertook a short section of hedge-laying for a landowner in Puttenham near Guildford. The […]

South of England H/L Competition

On the 17th February it was time once again for the South of England H/L Society annual competition. We returned […]

Hedge-laying training

At the beginning of February I was down at Binstead near Arundel leading a hedge-laying training day for the South […]

Back to the woods again….

At the start of the New Year, my associate and I were contracted to carry out management in woodland near […]

Tree planting in the wake of Chalara

At the beginning of December, John (my associate) and I undertook some tree planting in a woodland near Billingshurst on […]

By invitation only….

Following my relative success at the Nationals, I was invited to take part in the Patron’s hedge-laying competition at the […]

It’s The Nationals!

In what seemed like the blink of an eye it was time once again for the high-light of the hedge-laying […]

A Neat Little Job

In the middle of October I was working for a client in Cranleigh who had contacted me about some hedge-laying. […]

A little more than I bargained for…..

Last week I spent three days working on a boundary hedge for a landowner near Midhurst. The hedgerow was actually […]

Hurstpierpoint Competition

Continuing with my plan to build up competition experience prior to the Nationals later this month, I entered the hedge-laying […]

Let the Competitions Commence!

In what seems like the mere blink of an eye, the seasons have turned and we are back into hedge-laying […]

Transforming a Garden Boundary

At the beginning of August, I was working for a landowner near Guildford who had invited me to do some […]

South of England Hedge-laying Competition 2018

On 18th February I joined 33 other cutters for the 34th SoEHLS Annual Competition. The organisers had found a superb […]

Meanwhile, back at Lodge Copse….

Yesterday I was working at Lodge Copse on the Barlavington Estate. It’s always nice to be back there as I […]

Back to felling again

At the start of January, my associate John and I were invited to do some tree felling up on the […]

Working with what you’ve got

Recently I was invited by a landowner to undertake some hedge-laying along the edge of his access drive. When I […]

Hedge-laying training

On the 9th December I joined fellow members of the South of England Hedge-laying Society in Findon for the third […]

Hedgerow Heaven!

About a month ago I was invited to undertake a hedge-laying job in Fernhurst. The landowner is very enthusiastic about […]

The Nationals!

After weeks of waiting, the National Hedge-laying Championships at Stourhead, Wiltshire, were finally upon us. I had been looking forward […]

Working with Artizans

Two weeks ago I was back in the woods felling timber. I was working with Dylan Walker of Artizans of […]

Back with the South of England gang….

Two weekends ago I joined fellow cutters from the South of England Hedge-laying Society at Scotney Castle, Lamberhurst, for the […]

It’s hedge-laying season!

A couple of weeks ago I undertook a short section of hedge-laying for a customer in Haslemere. The hedge itself […]

Working an ancient woodland

Back in the summer I was contracted by the Leconfield Estate to provide a month’s worth of cover for one […]

Let’s talk turkey (oak)

Wherever I have been managing woodland over the years, one job always seems to crop up on a regular basis: […]

………..and back again!

On the 18th March I joined fellow members of the SOEHLS for our annual hedge-laying fun day at Fletching, near […]

From hedge-laying to hedge planting………

Having done a fair bit of hedge-laying this season, it has been great to do some hedge planting as well. […]

A prickly subject……

A few weeks back I was asked to look at a scrub clearing job up at Lynchmere Ridge. ‘A bit […]

It’s competition time……

On 19th February I joined 40 other cutters at the 33rd South of England Hedge-laying Society annual competition at Magham […]

Back in the woods again…..

After all the hedge-laying of late it has been brilliant to get back into the woods and cut timber again. […]

Enthusing the next generation

The day after the two-day course in Kent, I was leading a week of hedge-laying training for students at Brinsbury […]

Passing-on the skills

The second weekend in January saw me heading off to Sittingbourne in Kent, where I was running a two day […]

There’s a hedgerow here somewhere……

No sooner had the New Year started and I joined the SOEHLS once again for another day of hedge-laying. This […]

Coppicing for Wildlife

In mid-December we were back on familiar ground in a large woodland near Fernhurst. This particular woodland is home to […]

No two hedges are ever the same……

At the beginning of December I once again joined members of the South of England Hedge-laying Society (SOEHLS), this time […]

It’s steady rain, so it must be hedge-laying season……..

At the beginning of November I headed up to Byfleet, Surrey, and joined with fellow members of the South of […]

Perfect Weather for Forestry!

Due to technical issues, I’ve only just been able to start blogging, so the following are a few posts from […]

Welcome to Weald Woodsman

Hello and welcome to the Latest Work section. Here I will showcase my latest projects and give you some insight […]

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