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On the 18th March I joined fellow members of the SOEHLS for our annual hedge-laying fun day at Fletching, near Sheffield Park. This year it was decided to use the day to raise funds for Chailey Heritage, a very worthwhile local cause. After the competition a month ago, it was nice to be able to relax and work at a slightly slower pace, and it was great, of course, to catch up with my fellow cutters and enjoy the craic once again.


We were working on a lovely old hedgerow, which was a mixture of hawthorn, blackthorn and field maple, plus some wild privet and ash as well. Most of the blackthorn was a joy to lay, but the hawthorn was a bit past its prime and quite gnarly, and thus was tricky to get down. It was virtually all chainsaw work, with some of the field maple being quite large in diameter. In the event, I think we all lost one or two stems of hawthorn, even the most experienced guys. However, that’s just how it goes sometimes and it is all part of the craft of hedge-laying. No two hedges are ever the same and there is always the odd challenge to keep you on your toes.


The landowner kept us plied with tea and coffee throughout the day, and even provided a hot lunch too. All too soon the day was over, but the finished hedge was looking very smart indeed. I was particularly happy with my section, and I received many compliments on my work from two of the most experienced and respected cutters in the Society.


Unfortunately, the end of the day also meant the end of this hedge-laying season. The bird-nesting and growing season is now upon us, so that’s it until next autumn. However, there are several wood-fairs and country shows coming up over the summer months and I fully intend to help man the SOEHLS display caravan at some of them. Maybe I’ll see you there?