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In the middle of October I was working for a client in Cranleigh who had contacted me about some hedge-laying. It turns out that he had been given some left-over trees by a conservation charity some years previous and had decided to plant them on some open ground that he owns in front of his property. Could I lay those trees on the edge to make a hedgerow he asked?

The trees had grown well and a nice little copse is now in evidence. I quickly realised that along the front edge was a mixture of blackthorn, dogwood and hawthorn, so it would indeed be possible to lay them into a hedge.

It was only a 15 metre run, so it didn’t take too long to get through the majority of the hedge line. One particularly large hawthorn right at the end did cause me a few problems, but I soon had it down.

There was also a nice curve to the hedge which looks particularly good from the adjacent road.

In no time at all, the hedge was completed and is now an attractive feature of the property. The landowner was delighted and is looking forward to seeing how the hedge grows over the next year or two. A neat little job, and another happy customer.