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Due to technical issues, I’ve only just been able to start blogging, so the following are a few posts from recent work starting from November 2016.

The recent spell of cold, dry weather at has been ideal for forestry work. Rides are firm and accessible, and the cool temperatures are just what is needed when working hard. We’ve just finished thinning a woodland at Chiddingfold, Surrey and are really pleased with the results.

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The woodland contains plantations of Norway Spruce and Larch, with mixed broad-leaved stands and much natural holly and birch regeneration. Thinning the woodland has allowed much needed light to reach the woodland floor, as well as allowing more space for the better quality trees to grow bigger and stronger. There’s a lot of good quality young oak in the woodland too which should grow on to be fine timber in the future.

There wasn’t much room for error when felling the majority of the trees, so accuracy was the order of the day…..
